Visiting Lebanon Through A Greek Lens

Visiting Lebanon Through A Greek Lens


Iro Pagona loves traveling; she has fallen in love with the “wandering” process. Iro’s heart beats fast with every step that she takes in a new place. When she visited Lebanon, Iro was experiencing the country through her Greek photo lens.

Photos by: Iro Pagona

“I visited Lebanon with my family, to experience a new place through our photo lenses. This travel photo story is edited with photographs by myself and my daughter – photography student Maira Miliaki.”

Past architecture: We walked through Beirut’s past, amazed by its Ottoman era mansions.

Up the stairs at Mar Mikhael: We were driven to climb, play and photograph these colorful steps after visiting this amazing art neighborhood.

Sidon Castle: A rainy day’s driving led us to a wander around the crusaders’ fortress.

Fishermen’s port; provides charming views of colorful boats, old HOMEs and boat repairer’s shops. An urban playground, looking through boat constructions; the sky and the sea from a different point of view.

City of Tyre: Looking for a shelter at Tyre’s old city; a tale of two quarters and their labyrinthine aisles.

Duma welcome: My daughter felt already at HOME, being welcomed with beautiful flowers to our guest house.

Fishermen at work, fishing and fisherman’s wharf: Before our late breakfast, we take in Tyre’s most important economic asset.

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TAGSacademicians advertorials agendas ambassadors art collectors art exhibitions artisan know-how artists Beirut Beirut's Ottoman era mansions believers Bright Lebanon Byblos chefs choirs Chouf cinema cinematographers citizen journalism City of Tyre communication conceptual magazine concerts contributing writers corporate social responsibility cultural attaches cultural trends dancers dancing directory door to door dreamers Duma editorials embracing platform empower Events Expat in Lebanon exploration festivals films Fishermen's port gifted giving back global community global Lebanon Greek Lens guest writers heartwarming stories HOME HOME around the world HOME Magazine HOME nation Honorary advisors hope hope of tomorrow influence inforgrahics initiatives inspirational integration international distribution interviews Iro Pagona journey Lebanese bloggers Lebanese culture Lebanese Diaspora Lebanese film makers Lebanese heritage Lebanese hidden talents Lebanese market Lebanese of the world Lebanese painters Lebanese poets Lebanese print magazine Lebanese social impact Lebanon Lebanon through a Greek lens lifestyle love for home country Maira Miliaki Mar Mikhael Mar Mikhael stairs Maria Miliaki masterpieces ministers multiplatform museums North Lebanon online engagement Ottoman era out of the box outreach Past architecture peace peace building philosophy photographers Photography PiDRAYA pioneers poetry positive change positive content positivity producers publishing sector reader corner reference content references refined magazine remarkable achievers remarkable organizations revolutionary content Sidon Sidon Castle social magazine soul of Lebanon South Lebanon stakeholders style success stories talents tales of today testimonials theatre thoughts timeless trendsetter Tyre unites where Lebanon comes together