Nyri Achadjian

Nyri Achadjian

sc-shortcode-cleaner-clean-content-end–>Nyri is a public affairs and political consulting professional based in California. A lover of all things travel and exploration, Nyri makes an effort to visit at least one new country a year. As an avid learner, she prioritizes reading regularly. Her favorite book is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, a personal development book that has made a big impact on her life in recent months.

Nyri has written for HOME Magazine since 2016 and will be leading the team this year as its managing editor. She carries a minor in business from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism with departmental honors.

Nyri was born in California but has since enjoyed a number of opportunities to live in Lebanon short-term. She hopes to continue visiting the country regularly and contributing to its culture, even from afar. sc-shortcode-cleaner-clean-content-end–> sc-shortcode-cleaner-clean-content-end–>

Articles By Nyri Achadjian