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Tag: sports

LMTA Ambassador to France Jean-Pierre Cressot: “Do you know the richness and the beauty of your country’s mountains?”

Born in Beirut to a French father and a Lebanese mother, Jean-Pierre Cressot, 65, lives in the suburbs of Paris, where he...

Yalda Younes: Seeking Stillness in the City of Action

Part yoga student, part flamenco dancer, and all-around bewitching person, Yalda Younes has studied her crafts in India and Spain, and now...

Lebanon’s First National Ice Hockey Team May Soon Be At The Olympics

An interview with Charles El-Mir, Lebanese Ice Hockey Federation president based in Montreal, Canada. Ice hockey — one of the most popular...

Pole Dance in Lebanon: From a Workout Trend to a Lasting Community

Essentially known as a discipline that combines dance and acrobatics, pole dance has been a noteworthy workout trend within the Lebanese community...

Princess Tania de Bourbon in Lebanon

Interviewed by: Patricia Bitar Cherfan, Editor-in-Chief Photo by: Masha Romanovskaya, Time City Magazine Princess Tania de Bourbon Parme is a designer, international...

Riding the Wave with Karim and Ali

Photo by Mohamad Chehimi Like a wave, Lebanon has observed the slow and steady rise of surfing over the last two decades....