Tag: Thyme

Tea: Nature’s Magical Healing Potion

Inhale. The fragrance alone entices you, stirs the senses. Whether its color is distinctly dark red, yellow, green, pink, or amber, tea...

Little Reed: A Lebanese HOME to Donkey Therapy

Little Reed and its team of donkey therapists are helping rewire neurology and instill confidence, enhancing the lives of children with learning difficulties and physical disabilities. Nested among the pine trees of Qsaybeh, meaning “Little...

Nada Zeineh’s Love for Precision!

  Nada Zeineh followed her bliss; it led her to create unique hand-crafted jewelry and a beautiful life. “Nature brings you back...

Namliyeh: The Humble Refrigerator from Simpler Times

  The namliyeh remains in the corner of our grandparents’ kitchen as a witness of the past amid the rapid technological evolution....