
Tag: demands

Could a Citizen Bill of Rights help Lebanon overcome its turmoil?

The Lebanese Citizen Bill of Rights provides the citizens with ALL the rights that they have been demanding. As such, it is...

Is the government the enemy of the people?

In describing the need for an American Bill of Rights, George Mason Professor Walter Williams once wrote, “The Bill of Rights should...

(لائحة الحقوق الاساسية للمواطن في لبنان (اصدار 6د

نحن شعب لبنان، بعد أن عانينا المشقة والإذلال وسوء المعاملة من نظام مقسم غير عادل و غیر فعال، اتحدنا في التغلب على...

Is it true that in Lebanese Constitution the words president, minister and parliament are mentioned more than 260 times, whereas the word citizen is mentioned only ONCE?

A Bill of Rights is a grouping of rights that citizens assemble and render constitutional in order to serve as a counterbalance...

Do protestors need a unifying vision?

Over the past several months, different groups of Lebanese protestors have gone to the streets all over the nation demanding numerous rights—economic,...