Tag: Egypt

The Ancient Silk Road: A Modern Version Is in the Making

The roads of China and the Mediterranean countries are converging once again. Some 2,200 years extend from the era of the Han...

OFFRE JOIE The Joy of Giving

Founded in 1985 by lawyer Dr. Melhem Emile Khalaf, Offre Joie is an independent Lebanese non-governmental humanitarian organization. Q & A with...

Harry Nadjarian: Chairman of Industrial Motor Power Corporation

Photo by: Arka Photography How the chairman of one of the largest privately held industrial power equipment trading companies in the world...

“The Greatest Communicator”: Anthony Shadid’s Archives Come HOME to AUB

The Anthony Shadid Archives at the American University of Beirut are creating research and learning opportunities that promise to influence the next...

Storing Cosmetics 2nd Century B.C. Style: Bronze-Age Makeup Box is a National Museum Treasure

Illustration created exclusively for HOME by Aya Karout. Could you help me, please? I’m looking for my cosmetic box, and I can’t...

The Art of Cruising on the Med

For those who prefer to travel by sea, Lebanon offers beautiful ports with full-service options for yachters. During the summer season, when...