Tag: herbs

Tea: Nature’s Magical Healing Potion

Inhale. The fragrance alone entices you, stirs the senses. Whether its color is distinctly dark red, yellow, green, pink, or amber, tea...

Back to Basics with Chef Vesso Mrakic

Growing food is one of the most purposeful and important activities a human can do. In addition to stress relief, access to...

The Three Brothers: Lebanese Gin Pioneers

Lebanon’s rich botanical variety makes it an ideal candidate for gin production. However, the Lebanese were apparently the last to know it....

Nature’s Lebanon: A Look at Veganism

Lebanese cuisine is deeply rooted – pun intended – in veganism. Mloukhieh with garlic boils and bubbles in a large ‘tanjara’ of...

Saida Al-Adeem: It Leaves You Spellbound

Traces of Lebanon’s history are widespread in the port city of Saida, with its medieval structures like St. Nicolas Cathedral, the Crusader...

The Genesis and Evolution of Hummus: A Staple in Lebanese Cuisine and Culture

  Some might describe it as a creamy, savory, decadent appetizer with numerous nutritional values. Others may think of it as mesmerizing...