Tag: love

A Book Not to Read: The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimeh

“Millions of people have tried to write books so that they can express the inexpressible, but they have utterly failed. I know...

Agonist Coffee Shop: Coffee With Heart

When you walk into Agonist coffee shop, you know you’ve reached somewhere special. It’s not just your average coffee house. It serves...

23 Years of Touching Hearts and Minds: Najla Hamati of Collège Louise Wegmann

Interviewed by: Patricia Bitar Cherfan, Editor-in-Chief Holding children by the hand Collège Louise Wegmann teacher Najla Nasser Hamati is Lebanon’s answer to...

OFFRE JOIE The Joy of Giving

Founded in 1985 by lawyer Dr. Melhem Emile Khalaf, Offre Joie is an independent Lebanese non-governmental humanitarian organization. Q & A with...

Zena El Khalil’s Unique Artistic Process of Reconciliation

It’s time to start talking about our pain publicly. If we don’t talk, we can’t start the healing,” artist Zena el Khalil...

Changing Roads

“When and how did you start yoga?” That is the most common question I get from friends, colleagues and acquaintances. The real...