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Tag: Belgium

Nada Abou Farhat: Actress of Defiance and Artistry

“Asrar al Sett Badiaa” Nada Abou Farhat, one of Lebanon’s most appreciated and beloved actresses, embraces challenges. The star of film and stage...

Université Antonine’s Chamber Music Season Bringing Classical Music to the People

The Chamber Music Season is the latest in Université Antonine’s long tradition of bringing the best of Western classical music to Lebanon....

Dining in the Dark

Accepting an invitation to dine in the dark gives the writer new insight. Article by: Yara Zgheib Where is the salt? First...

Lebanon’s Superheroes: Marc Torbey

A Lebanese hero reflects on the work of Offre Joie, an NGO he credits with saving him. Article by: Maryam Ghaddar Sometimes...

IDRAAC Hosts Symposium on Suicide in Lebanon: Suicide Attempts Estimated at 2%, Close to Global Average

IDRAAC (Institute for Development Research Advocacy and Applied Care) in association with the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology at the St...


Thanks to the altruistic work of non-profit associations, many families and communities in need have been receiving support over the years, from...