Tag: Italy

La Vita è Bella

A Lebanese in Italy A long time ago during my mid 20s, I had the chance to live and work in Rome....

For the Love of Woodworking: Thomas Trad

In the last decade, the traditional world of Lebanese design has been invigorated by a wave of modern, young creatives. They are...

Lebanon’s Premier at La Biennale Di Venezia Architettura : Into the International Discussion on Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Venice Documentation Project The 2018 Biennale, one of the leading architectural exhibitions in the world, has more importance to...

Media Association for Peace

Article by Sandra Whitehead with additional reporting from Houda Houbeish. Peace journalism is emerging in Lebanon through the efforts of the Media Association...

The Art of Cruising on the Med

For those who prefer to travel by sea, Lebanon offers beautiful ports with full-service options for yachters. During the summer season, when...

Université Antonine’s Chamber Music Season Bringing Classical Music to the People

The Chamber Music Season is the latest in Université Antonine’s long tradition of bringing the best of Western classical music to Lebanon....