Tag: LAU

Breaking Stereotypes, Building Empathy: University Classes with Digital Global Collaborations

“I’ve got a question for Beirut,” says a young man projected on a large screen at the front of my classroom at...

Tribal Art: Collaging Authentic Pieces from Around the World

In a simple black dress, Yasmine Dabbous wears a colorful necklace. She has three silver rings on her fingers, all of which...

Caritas General Director Rita Rhayem, Phantom Female No More

Interviewed by: Patricia Bitar Cherfan, Editor-in-Chief Brilliance combined with humility, ambition with tactfulness, and charisma with sincerity make for a gifted leader. HOME...

Exploring the Unexplored: Michael Haddad, UNDP Lebanon 2016 Climate Change Champion Defies Limitations

Photos by: Imad Diab Scientists are trying to discover how Lebanese athlete and adventurer Michael Haddad, who is paralyzed from the chest down, can...

Lebanon’s Impressive Showing at the English-Speaking Union’s International Competitions

The English-Speaking Union is celebrating 100 years of creating opportunities for students from around the world to meet and speak together. Lebanese students have...

Lebanon’s Premier at La Biennale Di Venezia Architettura : Into the International Discussion on Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Venice Documentation Project The 2018 Biennale, one of the leading architectural exhibitions in the world, has more importance to...