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Tag: environment

Sensio Air: Breathe Easy

Imagine living in a world where you didn’t have to worry about the quality of the air you breathed, a world where...

Vea: Taking Hold of The Upcycling Market

Thousands of tons of rubber from the inner tubes of tires are burned each year, causing toxic gases that pollute fresh air....

A Beautiful Smile is Priceless

Global Smile Foundation (GSF) is a non-profit foundation that provides pro-bono, multidisciplinary, long-term cleft care for underserved children and adults in Latin America, Africa,...

Ambassador Alex Lenaerts: About Our Small, Beautiful Countries

  HOME sat down with Alex Lenaerts, Belgian Ambassador to Lebanon and Consul General in Syria, to discuss his impressions of the...

10 Rs For the Environement

  It’s the time to take action and protect the environment. You can find in this article different ways to reduce the...

Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change

   Salzburg Academy bring together students from different universities and helps in developing a network of  people helping  each other on multiple...