Lebanese expats

Tag: Lebanese expats

The Secret of Eternal Youth: Nora Sabbagh

For many of us, old age appears like a blip on the horizon, an inevitable part of the human condition that always...

But What Is HOME? HOME Is Where the Heart Is

What if your heart is in two places? Home and Christmas are so synonymous and yet, for some, these two words don’t...

And Then Suddenly I Jumped!

Photo by Gaëlle Vuillaume Entrepreneurship, en•tre•pre•neur•ship äntrəprəˈnərˌSHip/ noun: the activity of setting up a business and taking on financial risks in the...

Pierre Rabbat: Light-Hearted Humor Shakes the Status Quo

Photo by: Chady Feghaly Quick-witted and handsome with a winning smile, Pierre Rabbat might have the key qualities that make a charming...