Tag: pain

A Book Not to Read: The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimeh

“Millions of people have tried to write books so that they can express the inexpressible, but they have utterly failed. I know...

Zena El Khalil’s Unique Artistic Process of Reconciliation

It’s time to start talking about our pain publicly. If we don’t talk, we can’t start the healing,” artist Zena el Khalil...

Cindy Moussi Takes Readers on her Personal Journey to Mental Health

At the age of 43, Lebanese-Australian Cindy Moussi thought she had it all. Her son was grown up and independent, so it...

Resonance of the Soul

  Samantha Howick Issa: Born in Montreal and living in Lebanon, she leads teacher training sessions and classes internationally. Alongside her yoga...