Tag: garlic

Samkeh: Lebanon’s Favorite Summer Treat

Eating fish in Lebanon is an experience like no other. While we share the same sea with our Mediterranean neighbors, our fish...

Saida Al-Adeem: It Leaves You Spellbound

Traces of Lebanon’s history are widespread in the port city of Saida, with its medieval structures like St. Nicolas Cathedral, the Crusader...

Gastrodiplomacy: An Initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants – Our Borders are the World!

Photo: Diplomat Rasha el Haddad; Ahmad Hoteit Ph.D., president of the Syndicate of Lebanese Food Industrialists; Director General of the Ministry of Culture...

Secrets of Accidental Chef Nancy Abirached Zarzur

Although she never stepped foot in a culinary school, Nancy Abirached Zarzur is gaining a reputation in greater Sydney as an excellent...

The Genesis and Evolution of Hummus: A Staple in Lebanese Cuisine and Culture

  Some might describe it as a creamy, savory, decadent appetizer with numerous nutritional values. Others may think of it as mesmerizing...