Global Read Aloud Ten Years Inspiring A Love of Literature

Global Read Aloud Ten Years Inspiring A Love of Literature

a colorful picture with a PC, books a clock a lamp all over each other

Calling all English teachers in Lebanon and abroad! If you’re searching for a unique and effective way to incorporate new media and instill a love of books in your students, read on!

The Global Read Aloud turns the big 10 this year! Check out the 2019 book choices for each age group at This international phenomenon kicked off September 30 and runs through November 8, 2019! It’s totally free to sign up and participate; all you need is the book and a wifi connection. You don’t want to miss this!

The Global Read Aloud was founded as a small idea ? with a ton of potential in 2009. Pernille Ripp, a 7th grade teacher in Madison, Wisconsin aimed to connect the world with a ?, and after ten years, it’s clear she’s succeeded in doing so. Students and teachers alike benefit from this system of reading as it complies with most literacy curriculum standards across grade levels in revolutionary ways.

Each week several chapters and/or an illustrated children’s story (previously chosen books announced for each age group) are read aloud to students. They then connect with other students worldwide to discuss character analysis, make inferences about the plot, challenge vocabulary, and draw conclusions on specific themes. It is a 21st century pen pal system that integrates online learning tools, multi-cultural education, and digital technology! ?

Children should associate reading and books with love and cooperative learning. Let them enjoy the everlasting learning process and always be curious and hopeful for more page! Visit the following link to read our article on the Global Read Aloud, published in Issue 9 of HOME Magazine :

For more info: Global Read Aloud & The Global Read Aloud Main Group