Social media pages and profile affect hospitality managers hiring and promotion decisions.

Social media pages and profile affect hospitality managers hiring and promotion decisions.

social media

Nowadays social media plays an ever-increasing role in recruitment. Many surveys done by the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported that millennials are the largest force in the hospitality and tourism sector now. This changes the standard selection process.

Social media pages like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter reveal the real personality traits of every user and evaluate, from a psychological perspective, the picture the person is uploading, the comments he or she is adding, his conscientiousness, the subjects he is interpreting, his agreeableness, his social attitude, the performance of his language, his emotional stabilities, his openness, even his religious views!

Studies also revealed that over 85% of hiring managers search job candidates’ social media pages for recruitment and screening purposes, through which they are able to discover the real personality of candidates, and their social capital based on the size and composition of their social networks, hence, Social media pages have become a continuity to the traditional resume presented by job candidates, and is highly affecting the screening process, especially in the hospitality and tourism industry, which requires a minimum level of “Image de Marque.” Thus, on top of employees’ resumes, CVs and interviews, classy social media pages are required!

Many companies around the world have fired or demoted employees and disqualified candidates for certain jobs and positions due to their social media pages.