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hard work

Tag: hard work

And Then Suddenly I Jumped!

Photo by Gaëlle Vuillaume Entrepreneurship, en•tre•pre•neur•ship äntrəprəˈnərˌSHip/ noun: the activity of setting up a business and taking on financial risks in the...

The Challenges of Building HOME

  Photo: Salzburg Global Seminar | Ela Grieshaber The Challenges of Building HOME I was invited this summer to Salzburg Academy on...

How to Negotiate Like a Phoenician and Other Lessons from a Master: An Interview with Habib Chamoun-Nicolas, PH.D.

  For three decades, Lebanese Mexican Habib Chamoun-Nicolas, Ph.D., has engaged in negotiation and business development activities in diversified sectors — oil...

Sawaya & Moroni: William Sawaya Worlwide Design Pathfinder

William Sawaya, a Lebanese-global designer, and his business partner Paolo Moroni, design gurus, discuss what it takes to be a designer in...

Gabriel Chalita: From Sao Paulo Back to Bkaa Kafra

  Gabriel Chalita was born in Cachoeira Paulista, 1969 in Sao Paulo. He has Lebanese roots, from the village Bkaa Kafra, North...

Walking with Dr. Gaby Moawad through his journey to Washington

A journey of success will have ups and downs along the way. It needs determination, persistence, and belief. Doctor Gaby Moawad spoke...