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Let’s say you need to deliver a set of keys to someone who is trapped outside while you are stuck at work. Or perhaps you need to deliver a cheque payment and the due date is today. Well, there is no need to sweat if you can’t manage to do these deliveries yourself. Thanks to Deghri messenger service, these door-to-door errands can be taken care of swiftly and in the most eco-friendly way…

Deghri Messengers, Lebanon’s first bicycle delivery service, started in 2013 by Lebanese born Karim Sokhn and Matt Saunders, an Englishman based in Beirut at the time. The young men both shared a passion for cycling and identified a gap in the transport services sector. “The bicycle is clean, customer-friendly, noiseless and quick, able to manoeuver between cars in traffic,” explains Sokhn.

“Deghri, Lebanon’s first bicycle delivery service.”

Today Deghri Messengers employs seven freelance cyclists who are ready to transport most parcels in their large waterproof bags. This is usually anything from paperwork, electronics and fabrics to gift items. They won’t however accept to carry cash, big heavy items, medications or cold food. For large items (up to 60 kilograms) they use their cargo bike, which was donated by the Danish Embassy, after co-hosting a bicycle festival with Sokhn two years ago.

Sokhn revealed to HOME that there have been some unusual dispatches too. “We have delivered an engagement ring several times, a baby milk unit from a hospital to a mother and her child, tens of flowers for lovers – and we even delivered a person once (frustrated by the traffic jam one customer asked to be dropped off from Downtown to Mar Mikhael and Deghri was happy to comply)!”

Deghri currently operates in Beirut and in the surrounding suburbs from Hadath up to Dbaye. Prices start from 6,000 L.L. for same day delivery in Beirut. Prices go up slightly, for multiple addresses, speedy drop offs and when the zone is out of Beirut. Currently, Deghri is in talks with motorized courier services that have come to appreciate the bicycle transport company’s efficiency and popularity. Sokhn is confident that his company is the most practical choice for small deliveries. “We are not slowed down by traffic. Furthermore, we care about our city and don’t want to add to the congestion, noise and air pollution.”

By offering green alternative delivery service for businesses in Beirut, Deghri Messengers know they are contributing to the development of a more sustainable urban transport culture. “Most of our clients decided to switch from motorbike delivery service to a bicycle service, because they are aware about the impact we are creating and the message we are spreading,” says Sokhn.

For more info:

Call +961 70 04 86 73

TAGSacademicians advertorials agenda Lebtivity air pollution ambassadors artists bankers banking sector banks bargaining Beirut believers best practices Bicycle Delivery bicycle festival Bright Lebanon business success Byblos capital career cargo bike CEOs Chouf citizen journalism communication conceptual magazine Congestion contributing writers corporate social responsibility corporate volunteerism corporate world CSR cultural attaches Danish Embassy Dbayeh Deghri messenger service Deghri Messengers Delivery delivery service directory door to door door-to-door service Downtown dreamers e-services eco-friendly Ecofriendly editorials embracing platform empower entrepreneurship Expat in Lebanon experience exploration financial market first bicycle delivery service in Lebanon giving back global community global Lebanon Green delivery green delivery service guest writers Hadath heartwarming stories HOME HOME around the world HOME Magazine HOME nation Honorary advisors hope hope of tomorrow humanitarian work influence inforgrahics initiatives inspirational integration international distribution interviews journey Karim Sokhn leaders Lebanese bloggers Lebanese business men Lebanese business women Lebanese companies Lebanese culture Lebanese Diaspora Lebanese economic stability Lebanese executive habits Lebanese financial sector Lebanese heritage Lebanese hidden talents Lebanese market Lebanese of the world Lebanese print magazine Lebanese social impact Lebanon lifestyle love for home country Mar Mikhael Matt Saunders Messenger Service ministers motivation multiplatform multiple addresses noise pollution North Lebanon online engagement operations out of the box outreach partnership peace peace building philosophy photographers PiDRAYA pioneers Pollution positive change positive content positivity productivity publishing sector pursuit reader corner recycling reference content references refined magazine remarkable achievers remarkable organizations revolutionary content sectors social magazine soul of Lebanon South Lebanon speedy drop offs stakeholders startups style success ladder success stories sustainability sustainable urban transport culture tales of today testimonials think tank thoughts timeless Traffic Transport sector trendsetter Tyre unites venture waterproof bags where Lebanon comes together