Article by Sana Matraji

Usually, people fear the wind. For Nada, it is where she meets her beloved ones. Why not! The obvious is touchable, the obscure is sensed. She is the one, resurrected by truth, sensing completeness and wholeness. As the light penetrates her, she becomes an icon… We stand in awe before her to master the impossible, and way beyond…

She dances in the fire; bathes in the rainbows. She would drink the tears of creation if she could. Gently, she invites us to walk behind her. Yes… as she is the dream, the secret, and the sage.

As a messenger, her mission is an invitation, just by evoking words. Come… let us travel towards certainty. All are invited to know grace, righteousness, and virtue in order to live in the shadow of light, brightness, and beauty. Some writers had entered the world of mysteries in depths… But Nada went beyond all that, to become more tender than tenderness itself, “a breeze with no voice”, a “tree leaf without rustling”.

The writer also had searched in depth to know the hidden and the intrinsic of nature elements. She caught the stones, they whisper to her ears; she smelled the exhaled scent, sometimes by embracing the air and water, others by embracing the plants and the soil.

To her, baptism is life itself. She baptizes with passion and resurrects from water, as if she is continuously reborn. She may have thousands of lives but she still defines nudity as the highest degrees of purity and the greatest levels of hope.

Her last book is entitled “Under the Blue Rain”. Its words bring us heavenly wisdoms. Nada has blessed them with a ray of light from her blue heart…

A book that truly deserves a bow just before reciting the words of its poems.

The book “Under the blue rain” published and issued by Difaf press, winter 2016.

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