Salvaging Architectural Heritage and Buiding a Dream HOME

Salvaging Architectural Heritage and Buiding a Dream HOME


Henry Lucien began by coveting his ‘dream HOME’ but in the process he salvaged so much architectural heritage that he decided to open his house as a museum.

Article by: Niamh Farrell

Henry Lucien leads the way through the narrow streets of Beirut’s Geitawi neighborhood, speaking as he does about his passion for “traditional” Lebanese three-arched houses and his love of living in such HOMEs. Then suddenly he turns around and says: “Here is my HOME.” The building in front of us is a late twentieth-century apartment block – not the anticipated sandstone, wrought-iron balconied wonder. “Look,” he says, “look.” I scrutinize the building, confused, and then I see it: right at the very top, the façade changes; there are the ornate railings and behind them three tall, narrow windows, each topped with an arch-shaped window. Lucien hasn’t sought out and saved an old HOME in Beirut; he’s transformed his newer dwelling into something from the turn of the previous century.

Although Lucien has lived all his life in Lebanon, he first entered an old Lebanese house just five years ago. It was at this moment that the 38-year-old artist discovered his passion for such HOMEs. “I saw another life,” Lucien says. “I fell in love – with the wind, the sky, the paintings.” He dreamily talks about the light and the air such houses were designed to embrace.

Lucien desperately wanted one of these HOMEs, but realized quickly that buying one was well beyond his means. Lucien’s main occupation and main source of income is his jewelry shop, Henry’s Handmade, in Hamra, where he sells unique pieces that he makes himself. However, all around him, old HOMEs were being knocked down to make way for modern developments. One day, he approached one such demolition site to ask what would happen to the house’s various components. Upon learning that they’d be sold, he bought the lot, and embarked on a project to build his “dream HOME, a castle!” – a much more affordable undertaking than purchasing an old HOME.

Lucien’s castle is not atop the Geitawi apartment block; it’s in Batroun, where it now stands nestled into the landscape as if it really has been there for more than 100 years. Rather than sandstone, the shell is contemporary rebar and concrete – “I love concrete,” Lucien laughs – but the marble balconies and columns, the railings, the windows, the doors, some ceilings and assorted other features have been salvaged from scores of demolished Beirut houses. Between the apartment in Geitawi and the house in Batroun, Lucien has used materials from some “65 houses.”

In a photo album, which we look through while sitting in the light-filled living room of the Geitawi apartment beneath the elegantly detailed ceiling, Lucien himself is in the process of painting; the jewelry maker has displayed images of many of the parts he used both at their original location and as they stand now restored and inserted into his new HOME. The album represents a wonderful record of a Lebanese heritage that is being eroded daily.

However, his passion for traditional living doesn’t make him a staunch anti-modernist.

Pointing to an image of an old, villa-lined Zeitounay Bay, he notes that, at the time of those villas’ construction, there were probably people who opposed them too, who said they were ruining the landscape, just as they do today when they see tower blocks rising. And yet, Lucien says, those villas represented progress.

Lucien intends opening the Batroun house as a museum. Those who visit will feel the unique atmosphere of a Lebanese traditional HOME. They will also, Lucien says, “see my experience, they will see my love… they will see my faith.”

Facebook: Henry’s Handmade

TAGSacademicians advertorials ambassadors arch-shaped windows Architectural heritage architecture artists arts Batroun Beirut Beirut Geaitawi believers bio-friendly breakfast Bright Lebanon Byblos ceilings chateaus Chouf citizen journalism columns communication conceptual magazine contemporary rebar and concrete contributing writers corporate social responsibility cultural attaches culture décor demolished Beirut houses Design directory door to door doors dreamers editorials embracing platform empower Expat in Lebanon exploration fine dining food journalism Geaitawi giving back global community global Lebanon graphic design guest writers Hamra healthy food healthy life healthy living heartwarming stories Henry Lucien Henry's Handmade heritage HOME HOME around the world HOME decoration HOME Magazine HOME nation Honorary advisors hope hope of tomorrow house as museum influence inforgrahics initiatives inspirational integration interior design international distribution interviews journey Lebanese artists Lebanese bloggers Lebanese cuisine Lebanese culture Lebanese Designers Lebanese Diaspora Lebanese dishes Lebanese food bloggers Lebanese heritage Lebanese hidden talents Lebanese home designer Lebanese market Lebanese municipality under the light Lebanese museums Lebanese of the world Lebanese print magazine Lebanese recipes Lebanese social impact Lebanese summer houses Lebanese terroir Lebanese traditional food/cuisine Lebanese wine Lebanon lifestyle love for home country marble balconies meals meet ministers modern developments multiplatform Museums in Lebanon narrow windows North Lebanon old homes online engagement organic ornate railings out of the box outreach peace peace building philosophy photographers PiDRAYA pioneers positive change positive content positivity publishing sector railings reader corner recipes reference content references refined magazine remarkable achievers remarkable organizations revolutionary content salad seasonal food social magazine soul of Lebanon South Lebanon stakeholders style success stories tales of today testimonials thoughts timeless Traditional Lebanese houses traditional Lebanese three-arched houses trendsetter turkey twentieth-century apartment block Tyre unites vegetables vineyard where Lebanon comes together windows wine wine cellars wine critiques wine industry wine makers wine personality wine tasting winery Zeitounay- Bay ZeitounayBay